【同义词辨析】 2019-08-28 引诱lure-seduce

lure: implies a drawing into danger, evil, or difficulty through attracting and deceiving: ~d naive investors with get-rich-quick schemes.  快速致富方案

entice: suggests a drawing by artful or adroit means: advertising designed to ~ new customers.   artful巧妙圆滑,指人处事委婉吸引人, 常表示世故奉承机灵implies insinuating or alluring indirectness in dealing and often connotes sophistication or coquetry or cleverness,如an artful matchmaker一个巧妙圆滑的媒人红娘,如there is also an artful contrast of shapes形状的对比很巧妙) (adroit精干机敏善于操纵,尤指接人待物implies expertness at manipulating but also stresses resourcefulness, artfulness and inventiveness in coping with situation as they arise,如an adroit host of a radio call-in show一个精干机敏的电台电话节目主持人,如an adroit negotiator谈判手,如he drove adroitly他车技娴熟,如she is a remarkably adroit and determined politician她是个精明果断的政客)

inveigle: implies an enticing by cajoling or flattering: ~ her suitor into proposing marriage.  cajole哄骗吸引人to attract someone by being nice to them=beguile,如cajoled by his friends into trying the exotic dish被朋友哄骗去品尝异国菜肴,如he cajoled me into agreeing to do the work他诱骗我同意干那工作,如I managed to cajole his address out of them我终于从他们那里套出了他的地址,如her voice was soft and cajoling她讲话的声音轻柔甜美

decoy: implies a luring away or into entrapment by artifice or false appearance: the female bird attempted to ~ us from her nest.  artifice巧妙虚构、诡计奸计implies ingenious contrivance and invention,如his smile is just an artifice他的笑容只是假装。和artificial, art来自词根ART表示skill技巧

tempt: implies the exerting of an attraction so strong that it overcomes the restraints of conscience or better judgment: ~ed him to abandon his diet.

seduce: implies a leading astray by persuasion or false promises: ~d young runaways into the criminal life.  astray除表示步入歧途,还表示走丢迷路,有两个意思

lure诱骗: 指引人陷入险恶困境,通过引,entice吸引: 表示巧妙娴熟地吸引,inveigle引诱: 指通过哄骗恭维吸引,decoy诱饵诱捕诱开: 指把人引开或引入圈套,通过虚招假装,tempt诱惑: 指施加强大吸引力,以至强过良知判断克制,seduce引诱: 使步入歧途,通过假意劝说许诺

记忆方法: 1)首字母LEIDTS想成LET DIS让做错事<==引诱

         2)引诱的意思是引人歧途mean to draw one from a usual, desirable, or proper course or situation into one considered unusual, undesirable, or wrong.